
There are two setup approaches: docker-based and conda-based. We recommend the docker-based approach as it wraps everything up and is friendly to users.


  1. Prerequisite. We recommend the OS version Ubuntu 18.04/20.04 and NVIDIA driver version 525.60.11. Other driver versions are probably compatible (e.g., 470.141.03, 535.113.01) but not guaranteed.

  2. Generate NVIDIA NGC API Key

    • Log in NVIDIA NGC. If you do not have an account, register one and log in.

    • Generate your NGC API key. You can refer to Generating API key.

    • Log into the NGC account on the instance

    docker login

    Type $oauthtoken for Username. Then paste your API key for Password. You should see Login Succeeded.

  3. Make sure NVIDIA container is properly installed. Check Installation guide.

  4. Build the docker image inside the workspace.

    git clone
    cd arnold/workspace
    docker build -f Dockerfile -t "arnold" .
  5. Build vagrant in the workspace. This might take a long time if you are using the image from the dockerHub instead of building it locally. You can use a system monitor to stay checking the process.

    It is also possible that Vagrantfile contains wrong paths for your nvidia_icd.json and nvidia_layers.json. Make sure they are not empty. For example, you should check the two paths: /etc/vulkan/icd.d/nvidia_icd.json and /usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/nvidia_icd.json, one of which would always exist.

    # if jsons exist in /etc (default)
    '-v', '/etc/vulkan/icd.d/nvidia_icd.json:/etc/vulkan/icd.d/nvidia_icd.json',
    '-v', '/etc/vulkan/implicit_layer.d/nvidia_layers.json:/etc/vulkan/implicit_layer.d/nvidia_layers.json',
    # if jsons exist in /usr, modify the two lines in Vagrantfile
    '-v', '/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/nvidia_icd.json:/etc/vulkan/icd.d/nvidia_icd.json',
    '-v', '/usr/share/vulkan/implicit_layer.d/nvidia_layers.json:/etc/vulkan/implicit_layer.d/nvidia_layers.json',

    Check the above paths according to your system. After that, build vagrant.

    vagrant up
  6. After vagrant up finishes, run vagrant ssh and you are ready to go. Enjoy the full GUI experiment with docker and Isaac Sim. The docker environment provides a wide range of development tools as well. For more details check readme. Notably, you need to use /isaac-sim/ to run python.


As a backup solution, we also introduce a conda-based setup.

  1. Manually download NVIDIA Omniverse and install.

  2. Open the NVIDIA Omniverse platform and install Isaac Sim 2022.1.1 (other versions are not guaranteed to work) in Library.

  3. Clone the code repo.

    git clone
    cd arnold
  4. Create a conda environment.

    conda env create -f conda_env.yaml
    conda activate arnold
  5. Install clip:

    pip install git+
  6. Install point cloud engine:

    cd utils
    python build_ext --inplace
    cd ..
  7. Link the libraries and toolkits of Isaac Sim:

    source ${Isaac_Sim_Root}/
    # e.g., source ~/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2022.1.1/
  8. You are ready to run scripts. In the activated conda environment, you can directly use python, in contrast to /isaac-sim/ in docker.


Data, assets, and checkpoints are common items for both setup approaches.

  • Download data and assets. If you are docker-based, put them in the vagrant workspace, e.g., workspace/data/pour_water, workspace/materials, workspace/sample. If you are conda-based, make sure the materials and sample are in the same folder. After preparation, check the data_root and asset_root in configs/default.yaml to ensure valid links. For example, data_root/pour_water, asset_root/materials and asset_root/sample are valid.

  • (Optional) You can download pre-trained model checkpoints from here. Considering the performance, we provide two checkpoints of multi-task PerAct, with and without an additional state head, respectively. To evaluate the checkpoints, you need to put them in the directory ${output_root}/${task}/train_${model}_${lang_encoder}_${state_head}. For example, the checkpoint peract_multi_clip_best.pth should be put in ${output_root}/multi/train_peract_clip_0. For the model with an additional state head, the last number (state_head) should be 1.


Sanity Check

After setup, you can run a toy example to check if Isaac Sim is working:

  • For docker-based setup:

    cd workspace
    vagrant ssh
    /isaac-sim/ /isaac-sim/standalone_examples/api/omni.isaac.franka/
  • For conda-based setup:

    conda activate arnold
    source ${Isaac_Sim_Root}/
    # e.g., source ~/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2022.1.1/
    python ${Isaac_Sim_Root}/standalone_examples/api/omni.isaac.franka/
    # e.g., python ~/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2022.1.1/standalone_examples/api/omni.isaac.franka/

It may be slow for the first time to launch Isaac Sim because of the shader compilation.


You can replay the demonstrations and visualize them by running:

# docker-based
/isaac-sim/ task=${TASK_NAME} mode=eval use_gt=[1,1] visualize=1

# conda-based
python task=${TASK_NAME} mode=eval use_gt=[1,1] visualize=1

With use_gt=[1,1], the running does not require a pre-trained model checkpoint.


  • For example, train a single-task PerAct on PickupObject:

    # docker-based
    /isaac-sim/ task=pickup_object model=peract lang_encoder=clip mode=train batch_size=8 steps=100000
    # conda-based
    python task=pickup_object model=peract lang_encoder=clip mode=train batch_size=8 steps=100000
  • Train a multi-task PerAct:

    # docker-based
    /isaac-sim/ task=multi model=peract lang_encoder=clip mode=train batch_size=8 steps=200000
    # conda-based
    python task=multi model=peract lang_encoder=clip mode=train batch_size=8 steps=200000

For more details, see Train.


Here we only show examples of conda-based commands. Docker-based commands substitute python with /isaac-sim/

# checkpoint selection
python task=${TASK_NAME} model=peract lang_encoder=clip mode=eval visualize=0

# evaluation
python task=${TASK_NAME} model=peract lang_encoder=clip mode=eval visualize=0

For more details, see Eval.